Definitions for "Ino"
In Greek mythology Ino was a mortal queen of Thebes, the second wife of Athamas, the mother of Learches and Melicertes, daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia and stepmother of Phrixus and Helle. She was one of the three sisters of Semele: Agave, Autonoe and Ino, who was a surrogate for the divine nurses of Dionysus: "Ino was a primordial Dionysian woman, nurse to the god and a divine maenad" (Kerenyi 1976:246).
Keywords:  epfl, wlproj, fph, sentenext, workshops
Technological Innovation. One of the FPH "workshops".
Keywords:  wickedness, evil
wickedness, evil
Formerly, the monk in charge of supervising the work duty; at present, the monk who leads chanting during a service.