Definitions for "Inherency"
The state of inhering; permanent existence in something; innateness; inseparable and essential connection.
conditions inseparable from the status quo; problems calling for fundamental structural change. Problems calling for changes in the law or fundamental reorganization of the current system or policy. Structural inherency - change of law, organization or structure of the status quo is necessary for proposition to be adopted and effective. Attitudinal inberency - calls for change in attitudes, ways of thinking, ways of enforcing the law, etc.
Present in the essential character of something.
The affirmative has the burden to prove that a problem exists before advocating the need for change. Inherency refers to the reason a problem exists. I.E. the affirmative must prove that the problem exists in the status quo because the affirmative plan doesn't exist.
Inherency is a stock issue in policy debate that refers to a barrier that keeps a harm from being solved in the status quo.
Inherency is a stock issue in policy debate that refers to a barrier that keeps a harm from being solved in the status quo.