Definitions for "Infiniti"
Infiniti is a Japanese automobile manufacturer and serves as Nissan's luxury brand to the United States, Canadian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, South Korean (first dealership opened in July 2005) and Taiwanese markets. Nissan also has plans to release Infiniti into many European markets (Russia & Ukraine in 2007, United Kingdom in 2008, China (10 dealerships by 2007), as well as in Japan sometime after 2008.
Infiniti is a brand of recordable optical media, recordable CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R Lightscribe and other backup storage media made by Medea International, a British company based in Scotland. The Infiniti brand name has been very successful in Europe, and has been selling since 1998. Infiniti discs are considered amongst the best brands in Europe.
Keywords:  ircd, bahamut, mirc, irc, dll
Infiniti bahamut-compatible IRCd, IRC Services, and MySQL DLL for mIRC.