Definitions for "hydrocephaly"
an abnormal condition in which cerebrospinal fluid collects in the ventricles of the brain; in infants it can cause abnormally rapid growth of the head and bulging fontanelles and a small face; in adults the symptoms are primarily neurological
Literally means "water on the brain." Characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the brain or between the brain and the skull. Can cause pressure on the brain, resulting in developmental defects. Also can lead to an abnormally large head size (to greater than 90% of normal).
An increased quantity of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inside the brain that can result in increased pressure. Often the result of a disturbance (obstruction) in the normal CSF circulation or the over-production of CSF.
Keywords:  offluid, cranial, cavity, build
build up offluid in the cranial cavity