Definitions for "HIGE"
Hovering in Ground Effect. The situation in which a helicopter is hovering sufficiently close to the ground to achieve added lift due to the effects of "ground cushion." The HIGE ceiling, for a given gross weight, thus is greater than the HOGE (Hovering Out of Ground Effect) ceiling.
Hover In Ground Effect. Hovering within one rotor diameter of the ground in order where performance is increased by the interaction of the helicopters rotor downwash and the ground.
hover in ground effect. Also see HOGE.
Keywords:  intuition, ladies, nice, collar, dog
Hige seems to know how to function the best in human society, even wearing a dog collar, although the true meaning behind his collar is revealed later in the series. He tends to use his intuition more than the others, but only when he's not thinking with his stomach instead. Hige is quite the ladies' man and is always on the look-out for a nice girl.