Definitions for "HaruspeX "
The Latin term for one who practices divination or forecasts the future.
In Roman practice inherited from the Etruscans, a haruspex (plural haruspices) was a man trained to practice a form of divination called haruspicy, hepatoscopy or hepatomancy. Haruspicy is the inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep. The rites were paralleled by other rites of divination such as the interpretation of lightning strikes, of the flight of birds (augury), and of other natural omens.
HaruspeX is a visual environment for image databases. You are able to store and perform queries by image content in a PostgreSQL database. You can use HaruspeX either as a standalone X11/GTK application or as a GIMP extension, in interactive, batch or WWW mode.
Keywords:  ariolater, see
See Ariolater.