Definitions for "GROWING SEASON"
The number of days between the average date of the last killing frost in spring and the first killing frost in fall. Vegetables and certain plants require a minimum number of days to reach maturity, so be sure your growing season is long enough.
the portion of the year when soil temperatures are above biologic zero at 50 cm (19.7"). The following growing season months are assumed for each of the soil temperature regimes of Soil Taxonomy: Isohyperthermic Hyperthermic Isothermic Thermic Isomesic Mesic Frigid Isofrigid Cryic Hypergelic Pergelic Subgelic January-December February-December January-December February-October January-December March-October May-September May-September June-August July-August July-August July-August
The period of the year during which the temperatures are sufficiently high to allow plant growth. The growing season is the number of days between the average dates of the last killing frost in spring and the first killing frost in autumn.