Definitions for "Goma"
a city in eastern Congo at the northern end of Lake Kivu near the border with Rwanda
Goma is a city of 160,000 in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Located in the Western Rift of the Great Rift Valley, Goma neighbors the active Nyiragongo Volcano directly to its north, and hugs the coast of Lake Kivu to its south. The city lies next to the Virunga National Park and has a small airport.
Keywords:  sesame, shiro, kuro, seed, varieties
sesame seed (shiro-goma "white seed", and kuro-goma "black seed" are the two most commonly used varieties)
sesame seeds.
Keywords:  origem, dica, gluc, usar, estabilizar
Substância viscosa, coloidal, de origem glucídica. A uva e o vinho contêm gomas. Para estabilizar os vinhos, pode usar-se goma segregada por uma acácia.
Keywords:  sambhu, son
A son of Sambhu
"ambergris", the most precious commodity in the islands. A title meaning Prince or Princess, but limited to the latter from the middle of the nineteenth century.
Keywords:  hangover, glue, gum, rubber
1. (n) hangover 2. (n) rubber, glue, gum