Definitions for "FTAA"
Keywords:  cuba, nafta, alca, bloc, america
Free Trade Area of the Americas - trade agreement currently being negotiated to include all 34 countries of the Americas except Cuba. Canada hosted a meeting of all the leaders in Quebec City in April 2001.
Free Trade Area of the Americas Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas - ALCA (en español) Area de Livre Comércio das Américas - ALCA (em português) Zone de libre-échange des Amériques - Zlea (en français) The Free Trade Area of the Americas was officially launched in December, 1994 at the Summit of the Americas when leaders from the 34 countries of the Western Hemisphere resolved to "begin immediately to construct the (FTAA), in which barriers to trade and investment will be progressively eliminated." They offered the following rationale for this undertaking: "Eliminating impediments to market access for goods and services among our countries will foster our economic growth. A growing world economy will also enhance our domestic prosperity. Free trade and increased economic integration are key factors for raising standards of living, improving the working conditions of people in the Americas and better protecting the environment." [Official Site of the FTAA | SICE coverage of the FTAA Page
Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement