Definitions for "Fluorescein angiography"
Keywords:  flor, jee, ruh, choroid, retina
A medical test that makes blood vessels in the retina visible by injecting a special dye-like material into the bloodstream.
(FLOR-uh-seen an-jee-AH-gruh-fee): Diagnostic technique used for visualizing and recording location and size of eye blood vessels and any problems affecting them. Fluorescein dye is injected into an arm vein; then rapid, sequential photographs are taken of the eye as the dye circulates.
a procedure in which a fluorescent yellow dye, injected into the vein of an arm, circulates into the eye within a few seconds, at which time a sequence of retinal photographs detect pooling of the dye in a certain location or leakage of the dye outside of blood vessels, confirming some type of retinal disorder