Definitions for "Fiefdom"
Keywords:  feudal, lord, feoff, liege, feud
A noble house composed of no less than 20 colors. A High Lord/Lady rules the fiefdom.'
the domain controlled by a feudal lord
Under the system of feudalism, a fiefdom, fief, feud, feoff, or fee, often consisted of inheritable lands or revenue-producing property granted by a liege lord in return for a form of allegiance, originally to give him the means to fulfill his military duties when called upon. However anything of value could be held in fief, such as an office, a right of exploitation (e.g., hunting, fishing) or a revenue rather than the land it comes from.
A design pattern by Pat Helland for a collection of loosely coupled services that encapsulate shared durable state and are deployed together.
an organization that is controlled by a dominat person or group
a trust boundary within which resources and code mutually trust one another