Definitions for "FFC"
Keywords:  foster, care, child, parents, raised
Foster Family Care
Federally-Assisted Foster Care. A program, funded in part by the Federal government, in which a child is raised outside the parents' home(s).
For Further Credit is used in electronic funds transfers to notate a second beneficiary.
For the additional credit a second beneficiary is used in electronic transferences of bottoms to notate.
Keywords:  imbedded, flat, flex, sensor, connector
(abbreviation/component) Flexible flat cable; flat flexible cable; or flexible flat conductor. A form of multiple conductor cable consisting of parallel flat metal strips imbedded in a flat flexible insulating material.
Flat Flex Connector
Flat Field Correction. Flat Field Correction applies a gain and offset correction per pixel to correct for illumination and sensor irregularities.
Keywords:  inaugural, flown, flight, route, air
First flight cover, ie. a cover flown on the inaugural flight of a new air route.
Australian Film Finance Corporation
Keywords:  coordinator, fires, force
force fires coordinator