Definitions for "Fasting"
fasting: the process of abstaining from eating some or all food for a specific time for the purpose of cleansing, purification and/or Spiritual Attunement! Emotional fasting is fasting abstaining from negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic / illusionary feelings and emotions. Mental fasting is fasting abstaining from negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic / illusionary thoughts.
A generic term for a period of voluntary abstinence from foods and/or drinks.
abstaining from food or an activity for a fixed period of time; there is no merit in fasting alone. It is the heart attitude and focus of attention on God through prayer that makes fasting powerful.
Keywords:  sawm, see
See Sawm.
Keywords:  favour, weekly, ethical, twice, seems
An occasional "liquid fast" has its place on the way to Transition - perhaps on a regular once- or twice-weekly basis, or 3 to 5 successive days in order to achieve a particular aim. Apart from the advantage to the digestive system and the exercise in self-discipline, there seems to be some relation between fasting and the working of the forces in the universe to favour your (ethical) aims.
Keywords:  eaten, few, hours, studies, medication
For some studies you are required to have not eaten for a few hours before receiving your medication.