Definitions for "Fabrica"
(Latin) he workshop of a Roman legion located within the legionary camp; skilled artisans and craftmen from the legion, such as engineers, carpenters, masons, wagon-makers, blacksmiths, painters, and other artificers, worked in the fabrica under the command of a praefectus fabrum; hese craftsmen were excused from the normal duties and were known as immunes. At archaeological sites were legionary camps were located, many buildings have been identified as fabricae and contain iron-smelting furnaces, large water cisterns and hypocausti.
Fabrica is a barrio (now called barangay) in the province of Negros Occidental, in the Republic of the Philippines. It was formerly the biggest barrio in the Philippines, and one of the most cosmopolitan area in the Visayas.
Keywords:  distillery, tequila
A tequila distillery.
Keywords:  espa, factory, language
factory ( language=EspaƱol)