Definitions for "Enquire"
See Inquire.
inquire about; "I asked about their special today"; "He had to ask directions several times"
conduct an inquiry or investigation of; "The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities"; "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"
Keywords:  norsk, berners, tim, lee, went
From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" ( 1999-07-23) A 1980 program, named after the Victorian book Enquire Within upon Everything.
ENQUIRE was an early project (in the second half of 1980) of Tim Berners-Lee, who went on to create the World Wide Web in 1989. ENQUIRE has some of the same ideas as the Web and the Semantic Web but is different in several important ways, one of them that it was not supposed to be released to the general public. ENQUIRE was implemented on a Norsk Data machine.
have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"