Definitions for "egocentric"
Keywords:  predicament, see
See Egocentric predicament
a self-centered person with little regard for others.
(personality or society) - Refers to personal identity centered in the self. Persons perceive themselves as autonomous individuals with personal choices, desires, and rights, and see dependence as undesirable. In an egocentric society the "self" becomes the primary object of interest, and personal freedom and power become the supreme values.
a network defined by the relationship of participants to a single individual at its center.
Keywords:  yourself, attitude, own, needs, oneself
having an attitude which is almost exclusively concerned with one's own needs or desires.
limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs
Egocentrism is the practice of regarding oneself and one's own opinions or interests as most important. The term is derived from the Greek eg?, meaning "I".