Definitions for "DTSA"
Keywords:  dod, efense, echnical, provisos, gency
efense echnical ecurity gency - Joint DOD-US State Department agency charged with making sure that dual-use technology (such items that can be used for either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ reasons, such as high-powered computers that can run a country’s social security system, or be used to target nuclear warheads,) doesn't get into the hands of the bad guys.
Defense Technology Security Administration
Defense Technology Security Agency. When State or Commerce wants the advice of the Defense Department with respect to specific export license applications, license applications and supporting information are forwarded to DTSA. DTSA in turn will determine which military services, program offices, or other DoD agencies should review the applications. DTSA then provides State or Commerce with a single DoD response, which can include a recommendation to deny the request, approve it, or approve it with specific provisos.