Definitions for "Draper"
One who sells cloths; a dealer in cloths; as, a draper and tailor.
Man who sold cloth.
originally a dealer in cloth and dry goods, later expanded to include merchants who were members of a drapers guild. See Worshipful Company of Drapers.
a specialist who does nothing but cut the outside material and pin or baste it in shape on the fitted lining so as to give the line or style to the dress
Draper is a small lunar impact crater in the southern part of the Mare Imbrium. It is a circular, cup-shaped formation, with a tiny craterlet intruding into the northeastern rim. To the north-northeast is Pytheas crater, and to the south lies the Montes Carpatus range.
A craftsperson who installs drapes, fabric, and special decor.
Person who installs drapes, pleats, and special decor.