Definitions for "Discordant"
Disagreeing; incongruous; being at variance; clashing; opposing; not harmonious.
Dissonant; not in harmony or musical concord; harsh; jarring; as, discordant notes or sounds.
not in agreement or harmony; "views discordant with present-day ideas"
Said of strata which lack conformity in direction of bedding, either as in unconformability, or as caused by a fault.
not parallel to bedding planes, rock layers, or foliation
A geologic body, such as a dike or vein, which cuts across primary rock structures, such as bedding.
transplants between species that result in hyperacute rejection caused by surface antigens; in humans, preformed antibody against 1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) is the cause of hyperacute rejection
not having the same serostatus, for example a couple in which one partner is HIV positive and the other is HIV negative.
A large difference in the size of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy.