Definitions for "Debye"
(D) Debye unit. Compare with dipole moment. A common non- SI unit of dipole moment, named for Dutch physical chemist Peter Debye. A charge separation equal to one electron charge placed one Ångstrom unit apart has a dipole moment of 4.8 D. In SI units, 1 D = 3.338 × 10-30 coulomb meters.
The unit used to express dipole moments.
The debye (symbol: D) is a non-SI and non-CGS unit of electrical dipole moment. It is defined as 10-18 statcoulomb centimeter (or 10-20 esu m). In SI units, 1 D equals 3.33564*10-30 coulomb meter.
Debye is a lunar crater that is located in the northern hemisphere on the Moon's far side, as seen from the Earth. It lies to the south of the Chappell crater, and to the southwest of the Rowland walled plain.