Definitions for "DC "
Keywords:  democracia, cristiana
This project includes a revision of the original DC protocol and the client/server apps to do STUFF with it. Basically, we got really frustrated at the inefficiency and stagnant design of DC so it is time for change. Change is goooood. :-D
It is one of the oldest Unix utilities, predating even the invention of the C programming language; like other utilities of that vintage, it has a powerful set of features but an extremely terse syntax. Traditionally, the more user-friendly (with its infix notation) bc calculator program was implemented on top of dc, although more modern implementations are no longer related.
Keywords:  deputy, commissioner
Deputy Commissioner
Keywords:  destiny, child
Destiny s Child
Direct Current
an electric current that flows in one direction steadily
Keywords:  die, cut
Keywords:  district, capital
District Capital
Keywords:  contribution, defined
Defined Contribution
Keywords:  camera, digital
Digital Camera