Definitions for "Data Segment"
Keywords:  bss, segment, edi, intermediate, hbss
Each nonclustered table has a data segment. All of the table's data is stored in the extents of its data segment. For a partitioned table, each partition has a data segment. Each cluster has a data segment. The data of every table in the cluster is stored in the cluster's data segment. See Also: cluster, extent, segment
A well-defined string of alternating data elements and data element separators. The electronic equivalent of a line item on a business form.
A data segment is an intermediate unit of information in an EDI transaction. It consists of a clearly defined sequence of functionally related data elements.
an annotation by a Witness of an observed social occasion
Keywords:  chunk, variables, main, memory, holds
a chunk of main memory that holds the programs variables
Keywords:  inside, frame, group, example
A group of data inside a frame as shown in the following example.