Definitions for "Daff"
Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry (Commonwealth)
Keywords:  daunt
To daunt.
Middle Eastern tambourine, a small frame drum, usually with five double sets of cymbals around the circumference. In Egyptian cabaret style, the performer plays on the drumhead and on the cymbals. In Egyptian classical style, only the drumhead is played. In many Arab countries, this is also a name for the tar.
Keywords:  blockish, numskull, stupid, fellow
A stupid, blockish fellow; a numskull.
Keywords:  foolishly, sportive, foolish, toy, act
To act foolishly; to be foolish or sportive; to toy.
Keywords:  doff, cast, off
To cast aside; to put off; to doff.