Definitions for "Cyrano" CYRANO is a public company listed on the EuroNM of the Paris Bourse (Reuters: CYRA.LN, Sicovam 3922). Created in 1989 and publicly trading since 1998, CYRANO is headquartered in Paris, France, with regional headquarters in the UK and USA. CYRANO is a sponsor and lead developer on the OpenSTA TM project. CYRANO is an end-to-end quality assurance provider to its customers, helping them maximize their IT investments and ensure uninterrupted e-business. CYRANO offers integrated solutions, service and support to companies that want to minimize risk, benchmark Service Level Agreements, and enable Capacity Planning for their IT infrastructures.
Keywords:  barbier, gagarin, lunar, crater, huge
Cyrano is a lunar impact crater that lies on the far side of the Moon. It lies due east of the huge Gagarin walled plain, and to the north of the somewhat smaller Barbier crater.