Definitions for "Couped"
Cut off smoothly, as distinguished from erased; -- used especially for the head or limb of an animal. See Erased.
is where the head of a beast is cut off by a horizontal line, compare erased and caboshed
Cut off. If said of a body-part, it means that the charge has a smooth edge where it was separated from the rest of the body, as opposed to a jagged edge, which would be erased. If said of an ordinary, it means that the charge ends before reaching the edge of the shield, rather that extending full length.
Keywords:  cowped, dialect, fleece, terrain, sheep
(Cowped?) A dialect word for a sheep which has rolled on it's back and because of fleece or terrain cannot get back on it's feet.
Keywords:  trump, suffered, effects
having suffered from the effects of a (trump) coup.