Definitions for "Congestion pricing"
Keywords:  roadway, motorists, toll, peak, trip
is a financial instrument used to manage road demand and reduce congestion by charging road users for their direct use of the road in peak times.
The policy of charging drivers a fee that varies with the level of traffic on a congested roadway. Congestion pricing is designed to allocate roadway space, a scarce resource, in a more economically efficient manner. Synonym: congestion-relief tolling. The difference with value pricing seems to be that congestion pricing could be applied more comprehensively to all trips within a corridor or sub-area, while value pricing typically implies a choice between a congested and less congested trip.
A toll pricing method used to encourage motorists with travel-time flexibility to travel during the non-peak commutation hours when traffic volumes are lower. Those traveling in the peak periods, when traffic volumes are greater, pay a higher toll than those traveling in the non-peak periods.