Definitions for "Clearances"
The amount of sideroom, headroom, and backroom required to properly install a sectional door.
A minimum distance, composed only of an air space, that must be maintained between a heat source such as an appliance or vent and combustible surfaces.
You'll need to know your clearances before you start your garage door installation. That refers to how much backroom, headroom and sideroom, or the distance around the walls of the garage, is needed to efficiently install your door.
Permissions to use copyrighted or proprietary photographs, likenesses of recognizable individual, certain buildings and locations, and other images required.
To prevent shorting, ground and power clearances need to be .035 larger than the finish hole size on inner layers. This allows for registration, drilling, and plating tolerances. Back to the top
Keywords:  security, one
One or more security clearances