Definitions for "Chirograph"
Keywords:  papal, mdash, encyclical, pollard, xvi
a papal document which bears the signature of the Pope and which provides instructions on an administrative order
A chirograph is papal decree whose circulation—unlike an encyclical—is limited to the Roman curia.Pollard, p. xvi.
A writing which, requiring a counterpart, was engrossed twice on the same piece of parchment, with a space between, in which was written the word chirographum, through which the parchment was cut, and one part given to each party. It answered to what is now called a charter party.
a legal agreement in which the text is entered twice, then the two halves separated with a zigzag cut and a half given to each party to the agreement; also called an indenture
Keywords:  foot, fine, last, commonly, land
The last part of a fine of land, commonly called the foot of the fine.