Definitions for "canonic"
In its standard form, usually also the simplest form; -- of an equation or coordinate.
Reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; as, a canonical syllable pattern. Opposite of nonstandard.
reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern"
Accepted as authoritative; recognized.
conforming to orthodox or recognized rules; "the drinking of cocktails was as canonical a rite as the mixing"- Sinclair Lewis
Of or pertaining to a canon; established by, or according to, a canon or canons.
Pertaining to or resembling a musical canon.
A term used to describe a polyphonic style of music in which all the parts have the same melody but which start at different times.
Appearing in a Biblical canon; as, a canonical book of the Christian New Testament.
Keywords:  law, relating, required
of or relating to or required by canon law