Definitions for "Californium"
Keywords:  curium, transuranic, mev, alpha, ipa
A chemical element with an Atomic Number of 98. Named after the state and University of California. The isotope 252 Californium Provides Portable High-Intensity Neutron Sources. Some 252Cf Properties are: 2.645 year half-life Decays by alpha emission (96.9%) or spontaneous fission (3.1%) One milligram emits 2.3 x 109 neutron/s (average neutron energy ~2.1 MeV; most probable energy ~0.7 MeV) Up to 1011 neutrons/s from a single source (5 cm x 1 cm) Gamma dose typically an order of magnitude less than neutron dose
Californium (IPA: ) is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Cf and atomic number 98. A radioactive transuranic element, californium has very few uses and was discovered by bombarding curium with alpha particles (helium ions).