Definitions for "Brain drain"
The phenomenon of large numbers of educated and skilled persons leaving their country of origin to seek work elsewhere, usually in a wealthier country. This can be detrimental to poorer countries that have the least resources to spend on education and training, and the greatest need for a skilled workforce. (See immigration)
anyone with half a brain has been leaving HK, to avoid having their brains blown apart by PLA troops
The migration of skilled workers out of a country. First applied to the migration of British-trained scientists, physicians, and university teachers in the early 1960's, mostly to the United States.
Keywords:  qztbtz, amg, allmusic, ramones, dll
Brain Drain is a 1989 album by the Ramones (see 1989 in music). Released on May 23 of that year, AMG review. All Music Guide.
a concern because you are losing not only your youngest, but your smartest as well
depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel