Definitions for "Bowditch"
Bowditch is a lunar crater that lies on the far side of the Moon, just beyond the eastern limb. It is located on a region of the lunar surface that is occasionally brought into view due to libration, but at such times the area is viewed from the edge and so not much detail can be observed. It lies just to the north of the small Lacus Solitudinis lunar mare, between Titius crater to the southwest and Perel'man crater to the east-northeast.
The U.S. Navy's "American Practical Navigator," but the book is still commonly known as "Bowditch." In 1802 the first edition of the "New American Practical Navigator" by Nathaniel Bowditch (l773-l838) was published by Edmund March Blunt. The book was in its 35th edition in 1867 when the copyrights were sold to the U.S. Navy.
United States mathematician and astronomer noted for his works on navigation (1773-1838)