Definitions for "Blinder"
A common derogative nickname Sorcerers and other magically imbued individuals call Techans.
Keywords:  blinker, bridle, halter, hinder, horse
One of the leather screens on a bridle, to hinder a horse from seeing objects at the side; a blinker.
blind consisting of a leather eye-patch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side
four or eight 650 lamp s in a square or rectangular arrangement, used to produce bright washes or dazzle the audience (hence the name).
Keywords:  cod, caught, meshed, fish, net
a piece of smaller meshed netting attached inside the cod-end of the net (which is the back of the net where the fish are caught)
Keywords:  one
One who, or that which, blinds.