Definitions for "BioAPI "
The BioAPI Specification is intended to provide a high-level generic biometric authentication model, one suited for any form of biometric technology. It covers the basic functions of Enrollment, Verification, and Identification, and includes a database interface to allow a biometric service provider to manage the Identification population for optimum performance.
BioAPI V1.0, developed by the BioAPI consortium, and released in March 2000. Designed to produce a standard biometric API aiding developers and consumers. For more information, see SECURE article. _____________________________________________________________________________
A biometric application programming interface (API) specification from the BioAPI Consortium, whose members include Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Iridian Technologies and Saflink. The consortium was formed to develop a widely available and accepted API for a variety of biometric technologies. The BioAPI specification incorporates work from two prior standards: The U.S. Department of Defense's Human Authentication API (HA-API) and I/O Software's Biometric API (BAPI). See HA-API and BAPI.
A easy to use set of utilities for bioinformatics that work out of the box without having to import or include too many other libraries, these will form a workbench for the everyday work of a bioinformatician.