Definitions for "Balloon help"
Keywords:  tooltips, menu, apple, onscreen, comic
Onscreen help that describes objects pointed to in a window. May be turned on in the Help menu or by clicking a icon.
A form of help located in the balloon help menu. When this is active a "balloon" appears over some items when the arrow is over it which may contain some helpful information.
system software: Those cute little comic strip balloons that pop up wherever your cursor is. They contain helpful, if somewhat limited, information about whichever item on the screen your cursor is pointing at. You turn balloon help on and off by choosing "Show Balloons" or "Hide Balloons" from the Help Menu, which is shown by a balloon containing a question mark. A part of System 7; System 7.5 supplements it with Apple Guide, which provides more in-depth "how do I do this?" kind of help..