Definitions for "backstep "
Backstep is a program that draws icons for minimized windows on your desktop. It works in conjunction with various window managers or desktop drawing programs. It allows windows to be identified by position rather than with a taskbar and also provides the ability to group windows together so that when a window is shown or hidden, so are all the windows in its group.
Backstep is a program for drawing desktop icons for minimized windows.
Keywords:  foot, shoe, outside, edge, opposed
This foot technique uses the outside of the shoe on an edge.
Using the outside edge of the foot (as opposed to the front or the ball of the foot)¥Î¸}ªº¥~°1/4Ãä1/2t¡]¤£¬O«e­±¤]¤£¬O¸}ªº²y§Î³¡¦ì¡^¡C