Definitions for "ASPA "
Keywords:  sib, siblings, ibd, locus, genotypes
(Affected Sib Pair Analysis) Genetic analysis based on two siblings affected by a disease. Genetic markers evenly spaced throughout the genome are genotyped. For each locus the sibs could share 0, 1 or 2 alleles with expected ratios of each of these outcomes being 25%, 50% and 25% respectively. If the parental genotypes are known to differ at the locus and the two sibs share an allele, they are identical by descent (IBD). Using sib pair data from a number of families, the IBD frequencies at each locus can be determined and tested to see whether they differ from the value expected from random segregation. This can indicate linkage of that marker to a disease-causing allele. The power of this analysis increases with increased numbers of sib pairs.
ASPA attempts to automate the process of translating ASP pages into PHP. The supported languages are JScript and VBScript.
Australian Secondary Principals Association
Alloy Steel Producers Association, India.
Antarctic Specially Protected Area
American Sun Protection Association
American Society for Public Administration
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986