Definitions for "Artichokes"
Keywords:  lemon, juice, folate, steamed, scoop
Sprinkle with a little water and lemon juice, place in an airtight plastic container. 1 week
(lightly steamed first) Folate and potassium, can regulate cholesterol and tone liver
Artichokes can be purchased fresh or canned. Use a scissors to trim the top fourth of the outer leaves and the stem. Soak to clean thoroughly. With a stainless steel knife, slice off the top quarter of the pale green cone. Rub all cut surfaces with lemon to maintain color. Cook by steaming, or simmer in boiling water with additional lemon juice, covered, for 40 minutes, or until tender. Scoop out the fuzzy choke with a spoon and discard. The artichoke heart is below the choke.