Definitions for "Anim"
Keywords:  japan, anee, prounced, kiddy, loath
(correctly pronounced "ah- nee-may", but most people say " anee-may"): Japanese animation. Actually, the word animé is strictly Japan's word for animation in general, not just their own (so to the Japanese, Disney stuff would be "animé" too), but fans generally like to use the word to distinguish Japanese animation (which many fans are loath to class as mere "cartoons", being that the media is more the equivalent of America's movie industry in terms of depth, age range and genre range) from Western, kiddy-centric, animation. Animé is occasionally referred to as Japanimation by old-timers and ill-informed critics, and sometimes wrongly referred to as manga by non-fans.
(prounced ah-ni-may) The Japanese word for animation. Used by Western fans to refer to animation produced in Japan.
Term for Japanese animation. Pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable; sounds like the verb “animate” without the final T: “ANN-ih-may”.
Keywords:  ilbm, subformat, psa, skeletal, mesh
Movement created for a 3D model with bones that allows it to move in game. The Animations are stored in .PSA files and several can be imported for a single skeletal mesh.
ANIM is a file format, used to store images, and is a variation of the ILBM format, which is a subformat of Interchange File Format.
animado Animated