Definitions for "Aesir"
Keywords:  norse, asgard, gods, ragnarok, volsunga
The gods of Asgard. In Valkyrie Profile, you wont encounter many of them, but a few minor gods will show up during your Sacred Phases. They basically work with your sent Einherjar, and are their superiors. The Aesir are also Valkyrie's "side" in the upcoming Ragnarok. The Aesir are the dominating species in the 5 worlds of Valkyrie Profile. Valhalla, a large castle like domain, resides here.
(Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard
The Norse gods worshipped and searched for by the valkyrja and the volsunga.
The Aesir project is an open source framework for Massively Multiplayer Online game servers developed using the Microsoft .NET platform in C#, and in essence a rewrite of the current Athena project.