Definitions for "Added to loan"
A reference to the additional costs associated with arranging a mortgage such as High loan to value fee or arrangement fees, which can be included into the amount you borrow. Fees that may be added vary by lender. Care should be exercised when the sum of the loan and any costs added to the loan may cause the total advance to exceed a given loan to value (LTV). In certain cases additional conditions may well apply.
This phrase relates to the additional costs homebuyers encounter when arranging a mortgage. Often these costs are added to the mortgage amount being borrowed hence the term. The costs may include; a mortgage indemnity premium, arrangement fees, administration fees, booking fees and others. A small number of lenders may charge a completion fee, which may also be " Added To Loan".
As part of your mortgage there are many fees involved for example, arrangement fees, higher lending charges, booking fees, etc. At times these fees can be added to the loan and form part of the loan.