Definitions for "AcToS"
A drug that decreases insulin resistance in peripheral and hepatic tissue; it is in a class of anti-diabetic drugs called "thiazolidinediones" that are used in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.
see pioglitazone.
pioglitazone, one of the thiazolidinedione group of drugs. FDA approved to help with treatment of diabetes, it is also has anti-inflammatory effects by blocking the cyto- kine nuclear receptor activity and thereby lowering elevated levels of leptin, MMP9, PAI-1. It may have benefit in treatment of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) if the MCS is diagnosed early. Actos is one of the most useful of the medications of the Biotoxin Pathway
Keywords:  teatro, campesino, valdez, luis, mid
were performed by members of Luis Valdez's Teatro Campesino in California during the mid-1960s.
Public transport navigator for Java enabled mobile devices.